Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Brachychiton populneus subsp. populneus

Common name




Where found

Forest, woodland, shrubland, paddocks, and rocky areas. Widespread.


Tree to 20 m tall. Bark with shallow fissures, tessellated. Branchlets hairless. Leaves alternating up the stems, 5-12 cm long, 20–80 mm wide, shiny green above, paler or glaucescent below, hairless. Juvenile leaves mostly 2- or 3- lobed, adult leaves usually entire. Male and female flowers on the same plant. Flowers greenish to creamy white outside, speckled red or brownish inside, 6-20 mm long, tubular, with 5, occasionally 6, lobes. Flowers in 10-60 flowered branched clusters. Flowers mostly Spring to Summer.

Family was Sterculiaceae.

Regarded as native and introduced in the ACT. All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.

PlantNET description:  (accessed 12 April 2021)