Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Cuscuta tasmanica

Common name

Tasmanian dodder, Golden dodder



Where found

Parasitic on plants such as Wilsonia and Chenopodium, usually in saline areas. Coastal. Lake Bathurst south of Goulburn. Rarely elsewhere.


Parasitic annual twiner, leafless. Stems slender, pale yellow. Leafless. Flowers creamy, 3–4 mm long, tubular, with 5 lobes much longer than the tube. Individual flower stalks 3–6 mm long. Flowers in loose few-flowered clusters, Flowering: mainly summer–autumn.

General Biosecurity Duty all NSW. Always check native vegetation requirements before undertaking control of a weedy native plant.

PlantNET description:  (accessed 9 January, 2021)