Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes - Online edition
Davallia pectinata

Davallia pectinata Sm.
Link to Australian Plant Name Index for publication details and synonyms: https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/119115
Comb Hares-Foot Fern
Rhizome slender, white-waxy, densely covered with appressed, red-brown scales with pale scarious margins bearing fragile deciduous hairs. Fronds simple, pinnatifid, usually narrowly triangular, 12–21 cm long, coriaceous. Stipe 4–11 cm long, bearing similar scales; rachis with scattered scales on lower surface, glabrous on upper surface. Pinnae deeply lobed almost to rachis, widest point 35–75 mm; upper surface glabrous; lower surface with scattered scales often reduced to a minute peltate base with crisped marginal hairs; lobe margins entire to crenulate except for basal pair which have an auricle on the lower base and often several further lobes reducing towards apex; apex rounded on sterile lobes to almost acuminate on fertile lobes; false veins absent. Sori superficial, ±marginal, in a regular row; indusium semi-circular, attached along the broad base, opening towards apex of lobe.
Asia, Malesia, Australia and Pacific Islands. In Australia known only from the Torres Strait, Iron Range and McIllwraith Ranges in NE QLD.
Epiphytic, lithophytic and terrestrial in rainforest near watercoarses. An occasional inhabitant of nest-epiphytes.
The fronds of this species roll upwards when dehydrated.
Readily cultivated in a pot or hanging basket in a tropical garden or fernery.
Key to Davallia repens and Davallia pectinata
1a. Fronds pinnatifid with a comb-like arrangement of many lateral lobes, lamina longer than wide = Davallia pectinata
1b. Fronds pinnatifid with a palm-like arrangement of few lateral lobes, lamina roughly as long as wide = Davallia repens
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. apps.lucidcentral.org/fern/text/intro/index.htm (accessed online INSERT DATE).
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) ‘Platycerium superbum’, in Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. apps.lucidcentral.org/fern/text/entities/platycerium_superbum.htm (accessed online INSERT DATE).