Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes - Online edition
Abrodictyum caudatum

Abrodictyum caudatum (Brack.) Ebihara & K.Iwats.
Link to Australian Plant Name Index for publication details and synonyms: https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/241954
Epiphytic. Rhizome long-creeping, 1–1.5 mm diam., densely clothed with spreading bristle-like dark red-brown multicellular hairs. Fronds 7.5–20 cm long, scattered along the rhizome but crowded towards its apex. Stipes 1.5–7 cm long with 2 faint longitudinal ridges. Lamina deeply 3–4-pinnatifid, narrowly ovate to narrowly oblong, 5–16 cm long, 1–4 (–7) cm wide, membranous, pale to medium green (often brown when dry); apex erect or deflexed, often long and narrow; ultimate segments mostly linear, 1–5 mm long, 0.2–0.5 mm wide, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs. Sori immersed in the apices of basal segments of secondary pinnae; involucre 0.5–1 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide at the apex, usually narrowly winged, ±triangular, often rounded at the base; mouth entire or almost so, not or slightly spreading; receptacle exserted.
Atherton Tablelands NE QLD to SE NSW.
Epiphytic from Alsophila and Sphaeropteris (previously Cyathea) and Dicksonia tree-ferns in mesic mid to upper montane vine forest.
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. apps.lucidcentral.org/fern/text/intro/index.htm (accessed online INSERT DATE).
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) ‘Platycerium superbum’, in Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. apps.lucidcentral.org/fern/text/entities/platycerium_superbum.htm (accessed online INSERT DATE).