Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes - Online edition
Lomaria nuda

Lomaria nuda (Labill.) Willd.
Link to Australian Plant Name Index for publication details and synonyms:
Fishbone Water Fern
Rhizome forming an erect trunk. Fronds dimorphic (fertile fronds narrower and slightly shorter), 20–80 (–140) cm long, 3–12 (–21) cm wide. Stipe 2–24 cm long, purplish black to dark reddish brown; scales acuminate, entire, dark brown to black, sparse; scales and appressed hairs on distal part of stipe. Lamina oblong-lanceolate to ovate, mostly pinnate, pinnatisect near apex, with 23–65 pairs of pinnae; rachis and costae purplish black and glossy especially on lower surface, becoming stramineous towards apex and on upper surface, glabrous at maturity or with small entire often bullate, sometimes bicolorous scales and fine often appressed hairs; sterile pinnae narrowly linear-triangular, evenly tapering to apices, 2–10.5 cm long, 5–10 mm wide, adnate; margins entire; basal pinnae shorter and more obtuse; fertile pinnae linear, 3.5–5.3 cm long, 1.5–4 mm wide. Spores 51 × 35 µm; perine alate-costate, granulose-scaberulous within; exine smooth, scaberulous to granulose.
Endemic to E Australia coast and hinterland from Windsor Tableland NE QLD to Tasmania.
Terrestrial in closed canopy wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest, often near creeks.
In temperate areas this species forms extensive colonies and may dominate the understorey. In tropical areas it tends to form rosettes on an erect trunk and is usually restricted to stream banks. It is commonly grown as an ornamental fern.
Grows well in a container of free draining mix in a tropical, subtropical or warm temperate fernery or shaded garden.
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) ‘Platycerium superbum’, in Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).