Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes - Online edition
Phlegmariurus dalhousieanus

Phlegmariurus dalhousieanus (Spring) A.R.Field & Bostock
Link to Australian Plant Name Index for publication details and synonyms:
Blue Tassel-Fern
Epiphytic or lithophytic plants. Branches tufted, at first erect, becoming pendulous, rarely branched except for sporogenous zone which is often once-forked near apex, 45–120 cm long. Leaves in whorls of 3, crowded, spreading, angled at 45° to axis, thin, firm, lanceolate, attenuate, entire, 15–25 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, rich bluish green. Transition from sterile to sporogenous zone gradual. Sporophylls similar in shape and size to sterile leaves, or as short as 10 mm. Sporangium occupying the lower one-eighth to one-twelfth of the sporophyll length.
In Australia restricted to a few sites in the Wet Tropics and on Cape York, NE QLD. Sparsely distributed in specific habitats in Malesia, Polynesia and Australia.
Epiphytic from Platycerium hillii in complex mesophyll vine forest.
Named after Lady Susan Ramsey, Marchioness of Dalhousie who sent the type to Joseph Dalton Hooker.
Extremely difficult to cultivate.
Can be distinguished from other Australian Phlegmariurus by its large glaucous grey nearly homophyllous shoots.
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) ‘Platycerium superbum’, in Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).