Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes - Online edition
Phlegmariurus pinifolius
Phlegmariurus pinifolius (Trevis.) Kiew
Link to Australian Plant Name Index for publication details and synonyms:
Queensland Gold-Tip Tassel Fern
Habit epiphytic or lithophytic with erect, arching to pendulous, abruptly heterophyllous shoots. Sterile sections leafy, confertifoliose; 12–34 mm in diameter, 15–90 cm long, forking 1–8 times, evenly ramified. Stems fleshy to woody; 3–6 mm in diameter in basal module; reddish-brown basally, pale whitish green distally; bearing longitudinal grooves between fine domed ridges bearing the leaves. Leaves soft to moderately-firm, very minutely petiolate, obliquely twisted facing an upper plane, obtusely spreading; arranged in dense alternating sub-spirals of 4–7 basally and alternating sub-spirals whorls of 2–4 distally; lanceolate, 9–18 mm long x 2–4 mm wide, with a cuneate to obtuse base and acute to acuminate apex, flat in cross section with, entire margins, glossy dark-green when mature, pale whitish-green when emerging at the shoot apex. Basal leaves mostly similar to mid and distal leaves. Fertile sections filiform, quadrangular; 1–3 mm in diameter and up to 200 mm long, forking 1–3 times, evenly ramified. Sporophylls scale like, adpressed; arranged in alternating sub-whorls of 2; ovate-deltoid, with an acute-acuminate apex; 1.5–4 mm long x 1–2.5 mm wide.
Recorded from a limited area of the Wet Tropics between Mt Finnegan and the Cardwell Range in QLD. Widespread but scarce in Asia and Oceania.
Epiphytic in the subcanopy or a lithophyte on boulders in montane rainforest, especially near watercourses in gorges and near waterfalls. Now very rare.
Readily cultivated in a hanging container of coarse free draining mix in a tropical or subtropical moist shaded garden or fernery. This is probably the easiest species to grow and many cultivars are grown.
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).
Field AR, Quinn CJ, Zich FA (2022) ‘Platycerium superbum’, in Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes. (accessed online INSERT DATE).