Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Acacia binervata

Common name

Two-veined hickory



Where found

Forest and moist sites. Coast and ranges north from the Moruya district.


Shrub or tree to 15 m tall. Fleshy seed stalks/arils. Bark smooth or rough, more or less flaky and fissured. Branchlets angled towards the tips, hairless. 'Leaves' alternating up the stems, 5-16 cm long, 10-50 mm wide, straight to curved, surfaces hairless, tips pointed, 1 marginal gland near the base. Flower heads globular, white to pale yellow, 15-50 flowered (easiest seen in late buds), 5-10 mm in diameter, in clusters of 3-12 flower heads. Flowers Winter to Spring.

Family was Mimosaceae.

PlantNET description: (accessed 3 April, 2021)

World Wide Wattle line drawings, photos, and description: