Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Allocasuarina portuensis
Nielsen Park she-oak
Woodland/shrubland on the slope of a sandstone headland at Nielsen Park, Sydney Harbour National Park. In cultivation only.
Shrub to 5 m high. Bark smooth. Branchlets to 27 cm long. Articles usually faintly waxy, 13–20 mm long, 0.8–1.0 mm in diameter, ridges rounded-convex to somewhat angular. Leaves very small, forming whorls of teeth on the branchlets. Teeth 7 or 8, spreading to curved out, often slightly overlapping, often withering. Male and female flowers on different plants. Male flowers brown, in spikes, female flowers red, in tight clusters, appearing single. Cone body 12–15 mm long, 8–10 mm in diameter, bracteoles thickly woody and convex, blunt. Mature 'seeds' 4.–5 mm long,dark brown, shining, with one wing.
Endangered Australia. Endangered NSW. Provisions of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 No 63 relating to the protection of protected plants generally also apply to plants that are a threatened species.
NSW Threatened Species profile: (accessed 3 January, 2021)
PlantNET description: (accessed 3 January, 2021)
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