Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Cissus hypoglauca

Common name

Water vine, Jungle grape, Five-leaved water vine



Where found

Rainforest and moist gullies. Coast and ranges.


Large woody climber, stems to more than 20 m long. Fruit fleshy. Young growth rusty-hairy with 2-branched hairs (needs a hand lens or a macro app on your phone/tablet to see). Leaves alternating up the stems, 11.5-24 cm long, compound; with 5 leaflets (3 on juvenile plants), each 3–15 cm long, 15–50 mm wide, margins entire or sparsely toothed towards the tips (regularly toothed on juvenile plants), upper surface green and hairless, lower surface glaucous and often hairy. No domatia. Tendrils 2-branched, rarely unbranched. Flowers yellow, with usually 4 petals each 1.5–3 mm long. Flowers in large branched clusters. Flowers mostly spring–summer. Grapes purple to blackish, often with a greyish bloom, globular, about 10-15 mm in diameter.

PlantNET description: (accessed 7 January, 2021)