Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Conium maculatum
Forest margins, grassy areas, disturbed sites, roadsides, stream banks, and other moist sites. Widespread.
Introduced biennial herb to 3 m tall. Stems hairless, often with fine lengthwise grooves, spotted reddish brown, pinkish, or purple. Stems and leaves acrid- or mouse-smelling when rubbed or damaged. Leaves alternating up the stems, 10-50 cm long, to 400 mm wide, compound, leaflets 1-2 cm long, fern-like, hairless, margins coarsely to finely toothed, leaf stalks to 60 cm long, longitudinally furrowed, purple-flecked, with a broad sheathing base. Flowers in clusters 30-70 mm in diameter. Individual flowers 2-4 mm in diameter with 5 white petals. 'Seeds' have no spines. Flowers Spring to Summer. Highly poisonous.
General Biosecurity Duty all NSW. Noxious weed Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 7 January, 2021)
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