Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Cullen tenax

Common name

Emu-foot, Emu grass, Tough scurf-pea



Where found

Dry forest, woodland, grassy areas, and near streams. Widespread, but not coast and ranges.


Perennial herb, more or less erect, to 0.3 m tall, or sprawling with stems to about 50 cm long. Stems angular, grooved, hairless to sparsely hairy. Leaves alternating along the stems, compound, with 5-7 leaflets, the lower leaves occasionally with 3 leaflets each 0.5-7 cm long, 1-15 mm wide, almost hairless, dotted with glands, margins entire, tips more or less pointed. Flowers 2-5 mm long, pea shaped, with 5 petals, 2 joined together to form the keel, bluish or mauve-purple. Calyx 2-5 mm long. Flowers in spike-like clusters, mostly in 2s or 3s along the rachis. Rachis 20-60 mm long. Flowers most of the year.

All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.

Endangered Vic. Listed in the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, Vic.

PlantNET description: (accessed 7 January, 2021)