Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Diospyros australis
Black Plum, Yellow Persimmon, Grey Plum
Forest and wet gullies. Coast and ranges, north from Deua National Park and Tomakin.
Tree or shrub to 20 m high. Fruit fleshy. Bark dark grey, almost black on older trees, rough and wrinkled. Young stems hairy, becoming hairless. Branchlets often zig-zaggy. Leaves alternating up the stems, 3–10 cm long, 15–40 mm wide, thick and tough, upper surface green and shiny, lower surface hairless or sparsely hairy and pale yellowish green and dull, tips blunt to bluntly pointed. Male and female flowers on different plants. Flowers white or cream to greenish, with 4 petals each about 5 mm long. Male flowers single or in few-flowered clusters, female flowers 1–3 together. Fruit yellowish turning red and black, 8–15 mm in diameter. Fruits winter.
PlantNET description: (accessed 12 January, 2021)
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