Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Epacris longiflora

Common name

Fuchsia heath



Where found

Dry forest, woodland, heath, and cliff faces. Coast, ranges, and Southern Highlands, north from Jervis Bay. A few records farther south.


Shrub to 2 m high. Stems with prominent short broad leaf scars. Branchlets densely hairy. Leaves scattered or overlapping, 0.56–1.7 cm long, 3–6.6 mm wide, thin, flat, tips pointed, bases blunt or cordate, margins with minute teeth; sometimes rough on the upper surface. Flowers red- or pink-tubed with white lobes, or all white, 5–6 mm in diameter, tubular, the tube 12–27 mm long, with 5 spreading lobes. No hairs on the inside of the flowers. Flowers at the bases of the leaves, extending down the branches, initially erect, later drooping. Flowering: throughout the year, less so in summer.

Family was Epacridaceae.

PlantNET description:  (accessed 12 January, 2021)