Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Heliotropium europaeum

Common name

Common heliotrope, Caterpillar weed, Potato weed



Where found

Woodland, grassy areas, and disturbed sites. Western Slopes and ACT. Occasionally elsewhere.


Introduced annual herb, to 0.4 m tall or sprawling, finely hairy with short grey hairs (appearing yellowish on new growth), or hairy with wart-based greyish hairs.  Leaves with a somewhat unpleasant smell when rubbed, alternating up the stems, 1-7 cm long, 5-30 mm wide, hairy, sometimes rough, tips blunt.  Flowers 2-5 mm long, white, often with a yellow throat, tubular, with five lobes, the lobes about as long as the tube. Flowers in dense one-sided, usually branched, spikes. Flowers Spring to Autumn.

PlantNET description:  (accessed 19 January, 2021)