Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Hibbertia riparia

Common name

Erect Guinea-flower



Where found

Forest, woodland, heath, and rocky areas.

Now determined to occur only in Tasmania, southern Victoria, and SA. Species related to Hibbertia riparia in the area covered by this key include Hibbertia cistiflora, Hibbertia oxycraspedota, and Hibbertia stricta.

Plants on the far south coast of NSW have been left as Hibbertia riparia for the time being. Jackie Miles has informed me that they do not fit the description of Hibbertia stricta(May, 2018)

On 13 September, 2017, plants previously included in Hibbertia riparia in the ACT were transferred to Hibbertia stricta, pending determination of their status by Dr Toelken.


Shrub to 1.2 m high, rarely sprawling. Stems generally rough, sometimes hairless or densely hairy, the hairs stalked stellate (needs a hand lens or a macro app on your phone/tablet to see) or more often short and bristle-like with 1-several arising from a wart, sometimes mixed with longer simple hairs. Leaves alternating up the stems, 0.3–2.28 cm long, 0.5–3.6 mm wide, rough with wart-based hairs and stalked stellate hairs, often becoming hairless with age. lower surface with a  broad raised midrib on the lower surface, more or less level with the broad rolled down margins, or rarely recessed. Tufts of simple hairs at the bases of the leaves which continue down both sides of the leaf bases. Flowers yellow, with 5 petals each 4.5–12 mm long. Stamens 6–16, on one side of the carpels. Carpels 2, silky to tomentose. Flowers single, stalkless, rarely with stalks to 18 mm long, at the bases of the leaves or at the tops of short shoots, sometimes at the tops of the stems. Flowering: spring to summer.

PlantNET description: (accessed 21 January, 2021)