Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Hydrocotyle geraniifolia
Forest pennywort
Shaded areas in wet forest. Coast, ranges, and the eastern edge of the tablelands.
Creeping or climbing perennial herb, stems to several metres long, rooting at the nodes near the base. Leaves alternatng along the stems, 30-100 mm wide, deeply dissected, with 3-5 segments each 1–6.5 cm long, tips narrowing gradually, marginal teeth often bristly; bristly along the midvein and the primary lateral veins of the upper surface, otherwise hairless, occasionally with a few scattered hairs on lower surface. Leaves sometimes appear compound. Flowers small, with 5 white petals. Flower clusters usually 15–20-flowered, 4–8 mm in diameter. Flowers Spring to Autumn.
Family was Apiaceae.
PlantNET description: (accessed 19 January, 2021)
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