Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Marsdenia flavescens

Common name

Hairy Milk Vine, Yellow Milk Vine



Where found

Forest and wet gullies. Coast, ranges, and the eastern edge of the tablelands.


Thin-stemmed woody twiner to 5 m high. Stems hairy with yellowish hairs. Leaves opposite each other, 3–12 cm long, 15–45 mm wide, thick, margins curved down, upper surface dark green, more or less hairless, lower surface pale yellowish-green, densely hairy, glands 1–3 at the base of the midvein, finger-like, tips abruptly pointed or blunt. Flowers cream to pale yellow, 3-4 mm in diameter, tubular, with 5 lobes, in open clusters. Flowers mainly Summer.

Family was Asclepiadaceae

Rare Vic.

PlantNET description: (accessed 24 January, 2021)