Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Moraea flaccida
One-leaved Cape tulip
Bushland, woodland, pastures, grasslands, crops, parks, roadsides, disturbed ground, dry coastal areas, and wetland margins. Coastal areas.
Perennial herb to 1 m high, with perennial underground 'bulbs' and annual stems and leaves. Stems rounded, hairless, stiff, slightly zigzagged, branched towards the top. Leaf usually single, to 100 cm long, 6-20 mm wide, strap-like, hairless, attached to the stem above ground level and sheathing the lower part of the stem, slightly ribbed and folded when young. Smaller leafy bracts 2-6 cm long towards the tops of the stems. Flowers sickly sweet-scented, orange or salmon pink with yellow centres, or all yellow, 30-80 mm in diameter, with 6 'petals'. Flowers in several 1–4-flowered clusters. Flowers Aug.–Oct.
General Biosecurity Duty all NSW. Noxious weed Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 25 January, 2021)
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