Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Pararchidendron pruinosum var. pruinosum
Snow wood, Tulip siris, Stinkwood
Forest and near streams. Coast and ranges north from the Nowra district.
Tree or shrub to 20 m tall. Bark smooth with corky blisters, becoming rough with age. Stems hairy, remaining hairy or sometimes becoming hairless. Leaves alternating up the stems, compound, rachis 2-15 cm long, with 2-8 pinnae, with a gland between the upper pair of pinnae; leaflets 5-11 per pinna, 20-60 per leaf, the leaflets 2-8 cm long, 10-30 mm wide, tips with a small mucro, margins entire, surfaces more or less hairy or sometimes becoming hairless. Flowers fragrant. Flowers greenish white, turning yellow with age, corolla cylindrical, 4–6 mm long. with 5 petals stamens 9-13 mm long, white. Flowers in many-flowered heads. Flower heads single, paired, or several on short lateral branches. Pod yellow to orange outside, red or orange inside, visible when the pod opens, 8–12 cm long, 10–20 mm wide. Seeds black. Flowers Spring to Summer.
Family was Mimosaceae.
PlantNET description: (accessed 29 January, 2021)
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