Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Pelargonium inodorum
Wild Pelargonium, Wild Geranium, Kopata
Forest, woodland, grassy areas, disturbed sites, rocky areas, and moist sites. Widespread.
Annual or short-lived perennial herb to 0.6 m high. Stems softly or stiffly hairy with mostly short simple and shorter glandular hairs or glands. Taproot fleshy. Leaves more or less scented, opposite each other, 1–4 cm long, 10–50 mm wide, often shallowly 5–7-lobed, margins scalloped, both surfaces with scattered hairs or the upper surface hairless. Flowers pink, sometimes with darker pink to purple veins, 4-8 mm in diameter, with 5 petals, and 3-5 stamens that produce pollen. Sepals 2–4 mm long, tip pointed or with a long drawn out point, with scattered short stiff hairs, sepal spur 0.5–1 mm long. Flower clusters 2–14-flowered. Flowers Spring to Autumn.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 25 January, 2021)
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