Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Rhodanthe corymbiflora
Small White Sunray
Dry forest, woodland, shrubland, and grassy areas. On seasonally wet sites and floodplains. Western Slopes.
Annual herb to 0.35 m tall. Stems hairy. Leaves alternating up the stems, the lower leaves sometimes opposite each other, 1-5 cm long, 1-6 mm wide, bases somewhat stem-clasping, surfaces hairy, margins often wavy. Flower heads 12-16 mm in diameter overall, oval, becoming top-shaped, below the 'petals'. Innermost ‘petals’ 4–7 mm long, papery, white; outer ‘petals’ small, brown, pale brown, or yellow-brown. Centres yellow. Flower heads in open to moderately dense clusters of 5–15 flower heads. Flowers Sep.–Dec.
PlantNET description: (accessed 4 February, 2021)
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