Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Solanum aviculare
Kangaroo apple, Poroporo
Forest, shrubland, disturbed sites, coastal dunes, and near streams. A colonizing species of disturbed or burnt sites. widespread, mainly coast, ranges, and tablelands.
Shrub or tree to 4 m high. Fruit fleshy. Young stems sparsely sticky hairy, becoming hairless. Leaves alternating up the stems, hairless, margins lobed or entire, tips pointed. Lobed leaves 9–36 cm long, 10-350 mm wide, with 2-11 lobes. Unlobed leaves 8–25 cm long, 10–35 mm wide. Flowers blue-violet to mauve, 25–40 mm in diameter, broadly tubular with 5 lobes to star-shaped, in clusters of 1-15 flowers. Flowers Summer. Fruit orange-red to scarlet, oval to oval, 15-30 mm long, 10–15 mm in diameter.
PlantNET description: (accessed 7 February, 2019)
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