Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Solanum triflorum
Three-flowered Nightshade, Cut-leaf Nightshade
Grassy areas, disturbed sites, and roadsides. Mostly ACT and tablelands. Occasional elsewhere.
Introduced annual herb, sprawling to prostrate, sometimes erect, stems to 1 m long, sometimes rooting at the nodes. Fruit fleshy. Stems sparsely hairy with simple hairs. Young stems sometimes rough. Leaves sometimes with an offensive odour when rubbed. Leaves alternating along the stems, 2–10 cm long, 10–25 mm wide or more, sparsely hairy, shallowly to deeply lobed, the lobe margins curved down and thickened, margins toothed. Leaves sometimes compound. Flowers white or pale lavender, 5–6 mm in diameter, star-shaped with 5 lobes, in 1–3-flowered clusters. Flowers mostly summer to autumn. Fruit whitish green to green or greenish yellow, marbled, round, 8–12 mm in diameter.
PlantNET description: (accessed 7 February, 2021)
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