Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Tagetes erecta
Occasionally naturalised, often from garden waste, or persisting after abandoned plantings. Sydney area. Canberra.
Introduced annual herb to 1.2 m high. Stems hairless. Leaves strongly aromatic, opposite each other or alternating up the stems, 3–25 cm long, compound, with 9–25 leaflets each 1.5–5 cm long and 3–12 mm wide, more or less hairless, sticky, margins toothed, tips pointed. Flower heads yellow, orange or red-brown, occasionally white, 40–60 mm in diameter, with 3–100 'petals', cylindrical to bell-shaped below the 'petals'. 10–120 yellow or orange florets in the centre of the flower head. Bracts surrounding the flower heads 5–8, fused into a tube except near the tips. Flowers throughout the year.
VICFLORA description: (accessed 3 May 2021)
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