Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Westringia lucida
Shining westringia
Woodland, heath, and rocky areas, at higher altitudes. Kosciuszko National Park, the mountains to the north, and ACT. Tablelands and the western edge of the ranges between Badja State Forest NE of Cooma, and north of Nimmitabel.
Shrub to 0.5 m high. Stems hairy with appressed hairs. Leaves slightly aromatic when rubbed, in whorls of 3, 0.8–1.4 cm long, 5–8 mm wide, both surfaces sparsely to moderately hairy with somewhat appressed hairs, and shining, margins entire, and flat. Flowers 8–9 mm long, white with orange-red dots, tubular, 2-lipped, with 5 lobes. Calyx tubular, with 5 lobes. Flowers single at the bases of the leaves, in elongated leafy clusters. Flowers early summer.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
Vulnerable Vic. Listed in the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 12 February, 2021)
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