Pacific Pests, Pathogens and Weeds - Online edition

Pacific Pests, Pathogens & Weeds

Arrowhead vine (494)

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  • Worldwide distribution. In Australia, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Solomon Islands.
  • Invasive, fast-growing, creeping/climbing epiphyte in disturbed/undisturbed forests, forest margins, wastelands, wetlands, roadsides, agricultural land, smothering trees and preventing understory growth. Favours shade, sandy or loamy soils. An environmental threat.
  • Vines up to 10m, with aerial roots, Young leaves undivided, spear-shaped; mature leaves, divided (three and later up to nine leaflets) on long stalks. Flowers, tubular, clustered in leaf axils, with sheath enclosing male and female parts (like taro and other aroids).
  • Spread: creeping/climbing habit over short distances; longer, via trade in horticultural plants. Seeds rare.
  • Biosecurity: international trade in plants; note, available on Internet.
  • Biocontrol: none.
  • Cultural control: hand-pulling (use gloves to avoid sap); collect stem pieces and burn.
  • Chemical control: in Australia, triclopyr; fluroxypyr; fluroxypyr + aminopyralid; metsulfuron-methyl; 2,4-D; glyphosate. Use stem-scraping method applying herbicide with paint brush.

Common Name

Arrowhead vine. It is also known as American evergreen, African evergreen, five fingers.

Scientific Name

Syngonium podophyllum. It is a member of the Araceae.

AUTHOR Grahame Jackson
Information from CABI (2013) Syngonium podophyllum (arrowhead vine). Invasive Species Compendium. (; and Syngonium podophyllum (2009) Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) (; and Arrowhead vine Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Araceae (2019) The State of Queensland, Department of  Agriculture and Fisheries: (; and Arrowhead vine (2020) Business Queensland. Queensland Government. (; and from Syngonium Syngonium podophyllum. Weedidentificationtool. Brisbane City Council. (,of%20northern%20and%20eastern%20Australia). Photos 1&2. Forest & Kim Starr, Syngonium podophyllum leaves Lowes Garden Center, Kahului, Maui (Photo # starr-080103-1366). Photos 3&4 Konrad Englburger. Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.

Produced with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project HORT/2016/185: Responding to emerging pest and disease threats to horticulture in the Pacific islands, implemented by the University of Queensland and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

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