- Widespread. In Australia, Fiji, FSM, French Polynesia, Niue, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Wallis and Futuna.
- Perennial, invasive grass of disturbed areas, forming dense, fast-growing mats in pastures, crops, forest openings, ditches, and on hillsides and roadsides. Adapted to many soil types, high rainfall, waterlogging, moderate shade, but not drought. Indirect impact as host of rice sheath blight.
- Spread: vegetatively on creeping stems that root; seed; intentional spread as a tropical pasture grass.
- Biosecurity: risk is seed as a contaminant of other pasture grasses and legumes. Check imported machinery/vehicles.
- Biocontrol: none.
- Cultural control: hand-weed; slashing (but stem pieces regrow and may be spread in cloven hoofs of livestock). Clean soil, seed and cuttings from machinery/vehicles.
- Chemical control: IRRI lists thiobencarb, pendimethalin, and mixtures of thiobencarb and propanil, among others for control of related Ischaemum rugosum in rice. In Fiji, glyphosate.