- Restricted distribution. Asia (India, China), Africa (Mauritus), Oceania (Guam). The strain of bacterial wilt (BW), Ralstonia solanacearum is biovar 3, or phylotype 1 (Asia).
- Ironwood tree decline (IWTD) a serious disease associated with bacterial wilt and/or the rot-causing fungus, Ganoderma australe. Additionally, the termite, Nasutitermes takasagoensis, is often present.
- Thinning foliage, branch-tip dieback on trees from 10 years. Cut trunks show wetwood symptoms: dark staining with droplets of BW and wetwood bacteria at margins. Many have Ganoderma fruit bodies.
- Spread: bacterial wilt, movement of water; Ganoderma, root-to-root contact.
- Biosecurity: Countries free from BW should: (i) define the risk and pathways; (ii) put preventive measures in place; (iii) enact quarantine protocols should a breach occur; and (iv) develop an eradication plan.
- Biocontrol: none.
- Cultural control: (i) before planting: use soil-less composts/pasteurised soil to raise seedlings; avoid planting in soils with poor drainage; (ii) during growth: add organic amendments/mulches; remove trees with IWTD or damaged by storms; prune to remove deadwood; sanitise tools between working on trees; avoid damage from lawnmowers or weed trimmers; increase genetic diversity.
- Chemical control: Not an appropriate method.