Pacific Pests, Pathogens, Weeds & Pesticides - Online edition

Pacific Pests, Pathogens, Weeds & Pesticides

Lolo pepper (547)

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  • Widespread distribution. In Erect, smooth, brownish stems. Leaves, alternate, simple, heart-shaped, dark green, glossy. Flower clusters creamy-white, barrel-shaped spikes. Spikes bisexual or unisexual. Fruit with single seed.
  • Spread: underground rhizomes and stem pieces readily root. Longer distances via international trade (used as a food wrapper and in folk medicines).
  • Bioco
  • Cultural control: hand-pulling; collect stem pieces and burn. Avoid using topsoil where lolo pepper grown previously.
  • Chemical control: two or three applications of glyphosate.

Common Name

Lolo pepper. It is also known as la lot, wild betel, Vietnamese pepper, and by local language names throughout Southeast Asia, Northern India and South China where is it used extensively in food preparation. Note, it is not the same as Piper betel, the leaves and flowers of which are chewed with betel nut, along with lime, in parts of Asia and Oceania (Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands).

Scientific Name

Piper sarmentosum. Previously, it was known as Piper lolot. It is a member of the Piperaceae.

AUTHOR Konrad Englberger & Grahame Jackson
Information from CABI (2019) Piper sarmentosum. Crop Protection Compendium. (; and Piper sarmentosum (2022) Wikipedia. (; and Piper sarmentosum Roxb. 1812 (2019) Some Magnetic Islands plants. (; and Piper lolot C.C (2012) Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER). (; and Piper sarmentosum Roxb. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Plants of the World Online. (; and Flora of China. Piper sarmentosum Roxburgh. Fl. In. 1:162. 1820. Foc Vol. 4 Page 119.  ( and from Englberger K (2021) Invasive speciesof Pohnpei: A guide for identification and public awareness. Kolonia, Federated States of Micronesia. 47pp.

Produced with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project HORT/2016/185: Responding to emerging pest and disease threats to horticulture in the Pacific islands, implemented by the University of Queensland and the Secretariat of the Pacific.

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