- Worldwide distribution. On sorghum, millet and Johnson grass. Relatively minor importance.
- Reddish-brown, somewhat rectangular spots (streaks) up to 3 mm wide and 15 mm long on the lower leaves, moving progressively upwards. Streaks merge in wet weather, causing a blight. Large blotches occur on leaf bases and stems.
- Cultural control: avoid planting successive crops on the same land; use 'clean' seed, i.e., from healthy crops; collect trash and burn after harvest.
- Chemical control: none recommended.
Pacific Pests, Pathogens, Weeds & Pesticides - Online edition
Pacific Pests, Pathogens, Weeds & Pesticides
Sorghum streaky spot (073)
Sorghum streaky spot, bacterial leaf streak
Xanthomonas vasicola pv. holcicola; previously, Xanthomonas campestris pv. holcicola. Note, identification of this pathogen requires confirmation. Symptoms of Drechslera sorghicola (target leaf spot) are similar. Both pathogens have been recorded from Solomon Islands (see check list by Eric McKenzie and Grahame Jackson).
AUTHORS Helen Tsatsia & Grahame Jackson
Information from CABI (2015) Xanthomonas vasicola pv. holcicola (streaky spot of sorghum and Sudan grass). Crop Protection Compendium. (https://www.cabi.org/cpc/datasheet/56942); and from McKenzie E, Jackson G (1986) The fungi, bacteria and pathogen algae of Solomon Islands. Strengthening Plant Protection and Root Crops Development in the South Pacific. Field Document 11. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Association with the South Pacific Commission.
Produced with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project PC/2010/090: Strengthening integrated crop management research in the Pacific Islands in support of sustainable intensification of high-value crop production, implemented by the University of Queensland and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.