Fact Sheet

Halonoproctidae: Ummidinae: Conothele

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Total length

Large to extremely large (8–30mm or more) (Fig. 1).


Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, New Guinea (Fig. 5).


Tropical rainforest, swamp, temperate rainforest, open eucalyptus forest, semi-arid areas, intertidal or littoral.


(Fig. 6) Four. PLS segments unequal in length; apical segment domed or triangular.


(Figs 7-8) Caput of females gently raised, higher than thoracic portion; fovea of females deeply procurved or U-shaped.

Eyes (Figs 7-8) eight; group tiny, about 0.3 of headwidth; two rows; front row wider; on tubercle.

Chelicerae (Fig. 9) fangs longitudinal; retromargin with three or more teeth; middle row of teeth absent; intercheliceral tumescence in male absent; rastellum with several short blunt spines on distinct mound.

Maxillae longer than wide; anterior lobe absent; serrula absent; cuspules in female few, for entire length.

Labium wider than long; cuspules in female few, 10 or less; in broad group.

Sternum (Fig. 9) with one pair of sigilla posteriorly, or with extensive brown shallow; depressions medially.


Tarsus I of males disto-ventrally swollen (Fig. 10); tibiae and metatarsi I of females tapered, cylindical, normal, or dorso-ventrally flattened (Fig. 4); tibia III with long dorsal saddle (Fig. 3); preening combs on metatarsi absent; tarsi with filiform trichobothria.

Claws three claws; paired claws with one row of teeth centrally; third claw bare; tufts absent.

Scopula In females, only on entire tarsi I, II.

Male Palp

Cymbium aspinose and ascopulate.


Trapdoor spider waiting in entrane to burrow.

Genera included


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