Acacias of Australia

Print Fact Sheet

Acacia sp. Gerang Gerung (M.G.Corrick 6451) Vic. Herbarium




Confined to far western Vic.


Spreading shrub 1–2 m high and about the same across. Branchlets densely appressed puberulous, ribs obscure. Phyllodes shallowly to moderately incurved, terete to compressed or ± flat, (1.5–) 2–4 (–6) cm long, c. 1 mm wide, innocuous or ±coarsely pungent, mucronate with a centric or excentric point, occasionally subuncinate, sparsely appressed puberulous or sometimes glabrous; 8-nerved, the nerves mostly raised (with a longitudinal groove in between) when dry; gland basal, obscure. Inflorescences simple or vestigial racemes c. 1 mm long; peduncles (1–) 2 (–3) mm long, tomentulose; basal bract persistent or caducous; heads globular, 10–15-flowered, golden, ±resinous. Flowers 5-merous. Pods submoniliform, strongly curved to ±tightly coiled, 2–3 mm wide, firmly chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, appressed puberulous. Seeds longitudinal.


Vic.: Gerang Gerung, M.G.Corrick 6451 (MEL); near Coker Dam, 29 Sept. 1895, F.M.Reader s.n. (MEL 500655).


Characterized by its 8-nerved, sparsely hairy or glabrous phyllodes that are terete to ±flat, very short, tomentulose peduncles, few-flowered, small heads and strongly curved to tightly coiled, thin-textured pods. Closely resembling A. rigens which is distinguished most reliably by having more numerous phyllode nerves which are not or scarcely raised when dry.

FOA Reference

Flora of Australia Project

