Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Acacia cultriformis
Knife-leaved wattle, Dog-tooth wattle, Half-moon wattle, Golden glow wattle
Mallee, woodland, and heath. Western Slopes.
Garden escape elsewhere. Disturbed sites including disturbed forest and woodland. Naturalised in many parts of the area covered by this key.
Introduced (to SE NSW) shrub to 4 m tall. Fleshy seed stalks/arils. Bark smooth, fissured on older trunks. Branchlets angled or cylindrical, hairless, often glaucous. 'Leaves' alternating up the stems, rather crowded, triangular, 1-3 cm long, 5-15 mm wide, hairless, green to glaucous, with one prominent longitudinal vein, tips pointed with a mucro, bases with one side longer than the other. 1 gland on the upper margin usually at or slightly below the widest part of the 'leaf' (near or slightly below or above the middle of the 'leaf'); Flower heads yellow, globular, oval, or short cylindrical, 3-7 mm long, 10-40 flowered (easiest seen in late buds), in elongated clusters of 2-25 flower heads. Flowers Winter to Spring.
Family was Mimosaceae.
PlantNET description: (accessed 29 April 2021)
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