Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Acacia decora
Western silver wattle, Showy wattle, Western golden wattle
Dry forest, woodland, shrubland, grassland, and roadsides, often in rocky places. Western Slopes, ACT, tablelands, and ranges. Sydney area. Occasionally coastal south of Sydney.
Shrub 1–4 m tall or more. Fleshy seed stalks/arils. Branchlets ridged, appressed hairy, becoming hairless, reddish brown. 'Leaves' on raised stem projections, alternating up the stems, 1.5-6 cm long, 2-10 mm wide, usually hairless, grey-green to glaucous, tips blunt to pointed, with a mucro, 1 or 2 marginal glands with the lower gland usually 5–15 mm above the base. Flower heads yellow, globular, 4.5-6 mm in diameter, 15-30 flowered (easiest seen in late buds), in elongated clusters of 5-15 flower heads. Flowers usually April–October.
Family was Mimosaceae.
Vulnerable Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 29 April 2021)
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