Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Burchardia umbellata
Dry forest, woodland, heath, grassy areas, and swamps. Widespread.
Perennial herb to 0.65 m high, with 1 or 2 somewhat fleshy basal leaves. Leaves 8-60 cm long, 1.5β6 mm wide, linear, hairless. Flowers white or pale pink on the inner face, sometimes pinkish externally, usually with a dark pink to reddish ovary in the centre. Flowers with 6 'petals' 5β12 mm long. Flowers sweetly scented. Umbel 2β9-flowered. Flowers Jul.βDec.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 6 January, 2020)
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