Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Coprosma hirtella
Rough coprosma, Coffee-berry, Currant bush
Forest, woodland, shrubland, rocky outcrops, and damp sites, at higher altitudes. Widespread, but not coastal.
Shrub to 2 m tall. Fruit fleshy. Stems angled to square, hairless or rough. Leaves opposite each other, 1-7 cm long, 7-25 mm wide, glossy, rough, hairless, or the upper surface and margins rough, margins often curved down, bases with sheathing stipules, tips pointed, or blunt and often with a small point. Male and female flowers on different plants or on the same plant. Flowers with 4-6 lobes, cream or green to pinkish. Male flowers 8-12 mm in diameter, bell shaped, in dense many-flowered clusters. Female flowers 10-12 mm in diameter, with a short tube, in clusters of 3. Flowers Spring to Summer. Fruit orange to cherry red or brownish, round to oval, 8-10 mm in diameter. Fruits Summer to Autumn.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 7 January, 2021)
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