Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Galinsoga parviflora
Potato Weed, Gallant Soldier
Disturbed habitats, gardens, and agricultural areas. Coast. Ranges north of Kiama. ACT. Occasionally elsewhere.
Introduced annual herb to 0.6 m high. Stems grooved, slightly rough to almost hairless. Leaves opposite each other, 1–6 cm long, 5–40 mm wide, tips pointed, surfaces almost hairless or covered with minute bristles; margins fringed. Upper leaves usually smaller and narrower. Flower heads 4–7 mm in diameter overall, usually with 5 'petals' about 1 mm long, and yellow centres with many florets. Flower heads in loose clusters at the tops of the stems.Flowers Spring to Summer.
PlantNET description: (accessed 22 January, 2021) rough
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