Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Hydrocotyle algida
A pennywort, Mountain pennywort
Forest, woodland, grassland, amongst rocks, in mossy areas, and in running water. Kosciuszko National Park, the mountains to the north, ACT, tablelands, and the western edge of the ranges.
Perennial prostrate herb. Stems hairy to hairless. Leaves arising from the stem nodes, single or in clusters, kidney-shaped, usually 4–33 mm wide, upper surface green with prominent veins, usually moderately hairy with short curved hairs, lower surface pale with sunken veins, margins scalloped. Flowers green, with 5 petals about 1 mm long. Flower clusters about 10-15-flowered, about 3.5 mm in diameter. Flowers Spring to Summer.
Family was Apiaceae.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 19 January, 2021)
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