Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Kickxia elatine
Pointed Toadflax.
(subsp. crinita): Twining Toadflax.
(subsp. elatine): Woolly Toadflax
Weed. Pastures, crops, and disturbed sites.
subsp. crinita: Mainly Western Slopes. Rarely elsewhere. Not coast or ranges. Doubtfully naturalised in the ACT.
subsp. elatine: Mainly Sydney area. Rarely elsewhere.
Introduced perennial herb, prostrate. Hairy with shaggy long simple and shorter glandular hairs. Leaves alternating along the stems, 1–3.3 cm long, 7–24 mm wide, margins often toothed, tips with a long drawn out point, bases squared off or with backward pointing pointed lobes. Flowers 2.5–7.5 mm long, tubular, with a spur 5–7 mm long at the base, 2-lipped, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed with prominent bosses closing the mouth. Tube white to yellow, spur white to yellow, the upper lip reddish or purple to brown-purple-fronted, the lower lip yellow. Flowers single.
subsp. crinita: Individual flower stalks densely hairy throughout.
subsp. elatine: Individual flower stalks hairless except just below the flowers and at the base.
Family was Scrophulariaceae.
PlantNET description of species and key to subspecies: (accessed 19 January, 2021)
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