Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Pultenaea foliolosa
Small-leaf bush-pea
Dry forest and woodland. Tablelands and western slopes.
Shrub to 2 m tall, or sprawling. Stems sparsely to moderately hairy. Leaves alternating up the stems, 0.1–0.6 cm long, 0.5–2 mm wide, concave in cross section, tips blunt, margins rolled upwards or rarely curved upwards, upper surface usually hairy and paler than lower surface, lower surface with spreading hairs. Flowers pea shaped, with 5 petals, 2 joined together to form the keel. Standard petal 6-10 mm long, yellow to orange on the front, rarely with red-brown stripes, wings yellow to orange, keel red brown. Bracteoles with 3 teeth at the tips, papery, inserted on the calyx tube. Flowers in leafy clusters. Flowers Winter to Summer. Pods with a tuft of hairs at the tips.
Hybrids between Pultenaea canescens and Pultenaea foliolosa have occasionally been found.
Rare Vic.
PlantNET description: (accessed 2 February, 2021)
Description above partly based on: Kok, R.P.J. de & West, J.G., (2002) A revision of Pultenaea (Fabaceae) 1. Species with ovaries hairless and/or with tufted hairs. Australian Systematic Botany 15(1): 93-94, Fig. 4 (map)
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