Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Rubus rosifolius var. rosifolius
Rose-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry
Forest. Coast, ranges, and Southern Highlands.
Shrub to 2 m high, trailing or scrambling. Prickles 2-15 mm long, scattered on the stems, leaf stalks. Rachis and lower midveins of the leaves, and flower stalks. Fruit fleshy. Stems sticky hairy, sometimes almost hairless. Leaves alternating up the stems, 5-17 cm long, compound, usually with 3-7 leaflets each 3–8 cm long, 10–35 mm wide, margins irregularly and often deeply toothed, both surfaces with glandular hairs or bearing small resinous globules, main vein usually more densely hairy. Leaves simple near the flower clusters. Flowers white or pale pink, with 5 petals each 5-13 mm long, broadly elliptic to almost round. Flowers single or in short branched clusters. Fruit red, oval to oval, 15-20 mm long.
PlantNET description: (accessed 5 February, 2021)
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