Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Spyridium parvifolium
Dusty miller, Australian dusty miller
Forest, woodland, and heath. Kosciuszko National Park, and ACT and nearby. Western Slopes mostly south and east of the Hume Highway. Coastal areas south from Eden. Rarely elsewhere.
Shrub to 3 m high or sprawling. Branchlets densely hairy, often rusty coloured. Leaves alternating up the stems, 0.4–3 cm long, 3–20 mm wide, tips blunt to notched, margins curved down, upper surface usually dark green and moderately hairy, lower surface greyish tomentose, veins impressed on the upper surface, stipules papery, brown. Flowers whitish, 2-3 mm long, tubular, with 5 hooded petals. Flowers in heads at the ends of the stems, each subtended by 1–few whitish hairy 'petals' (actually leaves), surrounded by small persistent brown bracts. Flower heads in clusters 3–8 mm in diameter. Flowers Winter to Spring.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 8 February, 2019)
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