Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Telopea mongaensis
Monga Waratah, Braidwood Waratah
Rainforest, wet forest, forest margins, and stream banks. Ranges, from Monga National Park north to the Bundanoon and Fitzroy Falls areas.
Shrub or tree to 6 m high. Young branchlets rusty hairy, becoming hairless. Leaves alternating up the stems. Adult leaves 4–18 cm long, 5–20 mm wide, somewhat leathery, smooth between more or less prominent veins, margins entire or slightly wavy and lobed, tips blunt or pointed. Intermediate leaves irregularly dissected. Flowers red inside and pink to red outside, with a curved tube, the tube split on one side by the style after the flowers open, with 4 'petals' each 25-40 mm long, joined to each other in a slit tube. Flowers in heads of 28–65 flowers, 60-100 mm in diameter; the upper flowers opening first. Bracts subtending the flower heads mostly 10–45 mm long, pink and/or green, not conspicuous. Flowers Oct.-Dec. Seeds with one wing.
Sporadically hybridises with Telopea oreades where their ranges overlap.
Protected NSW.
PlantNET description: (accessed 11 April 2021)
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