Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Urtica incisa
Stinging nettle, Scrub nettle
Forest, grassy areas, disturbed sites, shaded damp sites, moist gullies, amongst rocks, and along streams. Widespread.
Perennial herb to 2 m tall, covered in scattered stinging hairs. Stems more or less hairless between the stinging hairs. Leaves opposite each other, mostly 2-15 cm long, 10-80 mm wide, hairless between the stinging hairs, margins toothed, bases sometimes cordate, tips pointed. Flowers small, green, male flowers with 4 'petals' each about 1.5 mm long, female flowers apparently with 2 'petals' each to 1mm long. Flowers in loose mixed spikes with the male flowers below the female flowers, or the plants apparently with male and female flowers on different plants. Flower clusters unbranched and often much longer than the leaf stalks. Male clusters 2–8 cm long, usually longer and sparser than the female clusters. Flowers most of the year.
All native plants on unleased land in the ACT are protected.
PlantNET description: (accessed 8 February, 2021)
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