Plants of South Eastern New South Wales

Print Fact Sheet

Veronica plebeia

Common name

Trailing Speedwell, Creeping Speedwell



Where found

Forest, grassland, and a weed in lawns and gardens. Widespread.


Creeping perennial herb to 0.1 m high, with stolons to about 1 m long. Stems hairy with very short hairs, denser in the longitudinal bands, and longer and denser at the nodes. Leaves opposite each other, mostly 0.8–2 cm long, 5–16 mm wide, margins with 3–8 pairs of irregular teeth, bases squared off to slightly cordate, tips more or less pointed. Flowers mauve, 2–3.5 mm long, with a short tube and 4 spreading lobes. Stamens 2. Flowers in clusters of 3–10 flowers. Flowering: spring–summer.

Family was Scrophulariaceae. 

PlantNET description: (accessed 11 February, 2021)