Plants of South Eastern New South Wales
Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera
Bulbil Watsonia
Woodland, grassland, pastures, roadsides, gardens, disturbed sites, waste areas, coastal environs, and waterways. Mainly coastal.
Introduced perennial herb to 2.5 m high, dying back each year and shooting from underground storage organs. Bulbils produced at the upper stem joints. Leaves mostly basal, a few smaller leaves alternating up the stem, 20–110 cm long, 10–50 mm wide, basal leaves sword-shaped, midvein prominent. Flowers orange to red, rarely pink or purple; 50-80 mm long, 30-40 mm in diameter, tubular, with 6 spreading lobes. Flowers in elongated clusters 20–40 cm long with widely spaced flowers. Flowers Spring to Summer. Seeds not produced.
Noxious weed Vic.
Was Watsonia meriana cv. Bulbillifera.
PlantNET description: (accessed 3 May 2021)
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