Worldwide distribution. In Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Vanuatu.
Aggressive, invasive climbing woody weed of grasslands, primary and secondary forests, orchards, gardens, roadsides, riverbanks, growing in full sun and shade. Important environmental weed (Australia) in native forest, smothering trees, and carpeting forest floor; important along waterways.
Young-leaf stage grows over ground. Later, tubers and flowers form on climbing vines up to 20m. Leaves opposite, each with two oval leaflets, and terminal tendrils (‘cat’s claw’). Flowers, yellow, trumpet-shaped up to 8cm. Long, narrow seedpods, with many two-winged brown seeds.
Spread: stems develop from rhizome, roots from nodes. Long distances by seed on wind and in water, and as ornamental.
Biosecurity: check imports of ornamental plants.
Biocontrol: in South Africa, beetle, Charidotis auroguttata; in Australia, leaf-sucking tingid, Carvalhotingis visenda, and jewel beetle, Hylaeogena jureceki.
Cultural control: hand-pulling or slashing (collect all plant pieces). Clean machinery/vehicles.
Chemical control: in Australia, glyphosate; triclopyr + picloram; picloram + aminopyralid. Spray or cut-stump application.