Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Aglaia spectabilis (Miq.) S.S.Jain & Bennet
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Scale bar 10mm. © CSIRO
Cotyledon stage, semi-hypogeal germination. © CSIRO
Jain, S.S. & Bennet, S.S.R. (1987) Indian Journal of Forestry 9(3) : 271.
Common name
Amoora; Cape York Cedar; Pacific Maple
Milky exudate meagre but usually quite obvious and emerging from fine layers in the blaze. Faint incense odour often apparent in the blaze.
Fruits about 6-9 x 5.5-9 cm. Aril or sarcotesta completely enclosing the seed.
Each cotyledon +/- paraboloid in shape with the face of the cotyledon forming the base of the paraboloid. Cotyledon faces in a plane at right angles to the long axis of the seed. First pair of leaves about 10-15 cm long. At the tenth leaf stage: terminal bud clothed in stellate hairs or scales. Seed germination time 21 to 28 days.
Distribution and Ecology
Amoora spectabilis Miq., Annales: Museum Botanicum Lugudno-Batavum 4 : 37(1869), Type: Cult. in Hortus Calcuttensi, (? Anon. in Herb. E. I. C. 1278 K; 1278.1 K - W. Amoora cucullata Roxb., Plants of the Coast of Coromandel 3: 54(1820).
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