Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Aidia racemosa (Cav.) Tirveng.

Tirvengadum, D.D. (1983) Nordic Journal of Botany 3(4) : 455.
Archer Cherry; Wild Randa
Blaze usually conspicuously layered.
Although the leaves generally appear to be opposite on the twigs, close inspection reveals that usually every second 'pair' of leaves really consists of only one leaf. Stipules +/- triangular, about 2-4 mm long, tapering to a point at the apex. Leaf blades about 9-19 x 3-7 cm. Domatia are small foveoles often with hairs at the opening.
Fruit about 8-10 mm long. Calyx tube persisting at the apex of the mature fruits, like a narrow funnel.
Cotyledons ovate or +/- orbicular, about 6-7 x 5 mm. At the tenth leaf stage: midrib raised on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Stipules about 3 mm long, interpetiolar, triangular and ending in a fine point at the apex; stem with a few scattered pale hairs below each pair of leaves. Seed germination time 88 to 305 days.
Occurs in WA, NT, CYP, NEQ and CEQ. Altitudinal range from sea level to 500 m. Grows in monsoon forest, dry rain forest, gallery forest and well developed rain forest. Also occurs in Asia and Malesia.
Flowers have a strong but pleasant jasmine fragrance.